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IoT for Healthcare | Borda Technology
IoT for Healthcare | Borda Technology

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    IoT for Healthcare | Borda Technology
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Beyond RTLS patient tracking.

The end-to-end patient journey in the operating theatre process is on record without human input. See where the bottlenecks are and what exactly causes the delays. Focus on decreasing patient waiting times and increasing operation theatre utilization.


  • Under-utilized operating room capacity
  • Delays in the operating room process
  • Difficulty in spotting bottlenecks
  • High patient waiting times


Increase revenue per hospital bed via RTLS

RTLS patient tracking systems automatically track and trace each patient's journey throughout the operation theatre process. This “IoT for Healthcare” product provides you with all actionable IoT data you need, including patients' length of stay in pre-op and post-op, transfer times in between, start times of surgeries, and many more. Comparing actual data with planned ones is also possible with EMR integration. This acute operational awareness of patient flow results in intelligent actions that shorten the length of stay in the OR and serve more patients.

Increase revenue per hospital bed via RTLS RTLS patient tracking systems automatically track and trace each patient's journey throughout the operation theatre process. However, tracking is insufficient for patient flow management. Tracking is a capability, not a benefit. Patient Throughput in healthcare provides you with all actionable IoT data you need, including patients' length of stay in pre-op and post-op, transfer times in between, start times of surgeries, and many more. Increase revenue per hospital bed via RTLS RTLS patient tracking systems automatically track and trace each patient's journey throughout the operation theatre process. However, tracking is insufficient for patient flow management. Tracking is a capability, not a benefit. Patient Throughput in healthcare provides you with all actionable IoT data you need, including patients' length of stay in pre-op and post-op, transfer times in between, start times of surgeries, and many more.
Boost patient satisfaction Idle waiting times reduce patient satisfaction dramatically. Improve your overall patient satisfaction by decreasing the waiting times and increasing the time spent with patients. Boost patient satisfaction Idle waiting times reduce patient satisfaction dramatically. Improve your overall patient satisfaction by decreasing the waiting times and increasing the time spent with patients.

Boost patient satisfaction

Idle waiting times reduce patient satisfaction dramatically. Patient Flow improves your overall patient satisfaction by decreasing the waiting times and increasing the time spent with patients.

Keep patient relatives informed.

Visual dashboards enable relatives and loved ones to monitor the workflow of surgery and rest easy. They are informed when the surgery has started and when the patient leaves the operating room.

Keep patient relatives informed. Visual dashboards enable relatives and loved ones to monitor the workflow of surgery and rest easy. They are informed when the surgery has started and when the patient leaves the operating room Keep patient relatives informed. Visual dashboards enable relatives and loved ones to monitor the workflow of surgery and rest easy. They are informed when the surgery has started and when the patient leaves the operating room


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Patient Flow

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