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IoT for Healthcare | Borda Technology
IoT for Healthcare | Borda Technology

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    IoT for Healthcare | Borda Technology
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Scan & Find Your Way.

Enhance patient experience and maximize operational efficiency by ensuring seamless navigation through complex hospital layouts. Real-time, step-by-step guidance leads to on-time appointments, allowing patients to reach their destinations quickly and effortlessly, reducing stress and significantly boosting satisfaction.



Delayed or missed appointments


Stress and anxiety navigating complex buildings


Patient dissatisfaction


Disruptions to scheduling and appointments


Staff wasting time when providing directions


Difficulty managing visitor flow



Improve Patient Experience

Patients and visitors can effortlessly find their way to departments, clinics, and amenities by recognizing elevators, escalators and stairs, even in large buildings with complex layouts. Whether for appointments or visits, this GPS-like wayfinding system ensures they reach their destinations promptly. With real-time, step-by-step navigation through both visual and spoken instructions, the system not only guides but also enhances the hospital experience by reducing stress and dissatisfaction.

Optimize Hospital Operations

This Indoor Wayfinding solution optimizes hospital operations by ensuring that staff and patients navigate the premises efficiently. Patients can quickly find their way, reducing their length of stay and contributing to lower wait times and fewer missed appointments. By identifying the quickest routes, even through challenging areas, the system enhances patient flow and minimizes bottlenecks. Prompt guidance to appointments helps reduce missed or delayed consultations, allowing healthcare providers to maintain a more reliable schedule and focus more on patient care.

Enhanced Staff Utilization

Real-time indoor navigation systems enhances staff utilization by reducing the time healthcare professionals spend giving directions and locating patients. With intuitive and accurate navigation, staff members can focus more on their primary responsibilities, such as patient care and medical procedures, rather than administrative tasks. This improvement leads to increased productivity and job satisfaction among staff, as they can perform their duties more effectively without constant interruptions.

Improve Hospital Reputation

Clear, easy-to-follow directions help patients and visitors navigate the hospital without confusion or frustration, resulting in a more relaxed and positive experience. Satisfied patients are more likely to provide positive feedback and recommend the hospital to others, enhancing its reputation within the community and attracting more patients in the future.


Tamper-Proof Asset Tags utilize Bluetooth Angle of Arrival (AoA) technology to detect an asset’s location accurately within a building or any designated area. The state-of-the-art Locator can calculate an asset’s real-time location with high precision (1m). These tags require low energy, so the lifetime of the battery can last up to 5 years.

Indoor Wayfinding

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