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How to Overcome Staff Duress and Safety with RTLS in Hospitals | Borda Technology
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Transforming Workplace Safety: Hospital Staff Duress and Safety with RTLS Technology

Transforming Workplace Safety: Hospital Staff Duress and Safety with RTLS Technology

Healthcare industry is known for its dedication and compassion, where individuals in white coats and scrubs tirelessly work to heal and nurture. However, there’s a hidden problem in this noble profession–  staff duress. Recent reports from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reveal a stark reality: a staggering 75% of all workplace assaults in the United States occur within healthcare environments. Even more, healthcare professionals bear the brunt of 11% of these incidents. At a time when healthcare should represent a place of care and empathy, these distressing statistics remind us that the industry faces unique challenges. Ensuring the security and well-being of employees is not only a legal and ethical requirement but a fundamental necessity for a productive work environment. In response, hospitals are adopting advanced technology like Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) to tackle these issues head-on. This innovation plays a pivotal role in elevating workplace safety by enabling efficient responses during emergencies.

RTLS technology in healthcare utilizes various positioning techniques, such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Ultra-Wideband (UWB), Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), among others, to determine the precise location of tagged assets, staff, patients and environmental conditions within a designated area. This next-generation technology equips healthcare professionals with wearable devices, such as badges or tags, that contain location-tracking capabilities in real-time.

In this article, we will explore how hospital RTLS is harnessing its power to address staff duress and subsequently, leading to a new era of safety, security, and peace of mind.

Hospital RTLS Technology to Tackle Staff Duress

Safety is One Button Away:  Hospital RTLS provides peace of mind to frontline hospital staff knowing they are always protected, anywhere within the facility. Hospital staff are equipped with RTLS-enabled Staff Safety Tags, utilizing Bluetooth Angle of Arrival (AoA) technology and Ultra-Wideband (UWB) for precise accuracy, that can be attached to their collars or clipped to their clothing. In this way, staff’s sense of safety is increased by notifying security personnel with real-time location in case of emergency.

Staff/Personnel Tag feature a user-configurable panic alert button, which can be customized to activate with specific pressing patterns. In times of duress, for example, when staff is faced with a threatening or in emergency situations, they can make an emergency call by pressing the button on their badge tag, enabling a swift and efficient response to the situation.

Staff security and protection with white code alarms

Once the panic button is pressed, white code alarm is activated and immediately transmitted to the security personnel with the exact real-time location information of the staff duress incident. RTLS significantly reduces response times by pinpointing the exact location of the distress signal, enabling a more rapid and effective response from responders. RTLS directs responders to the exact location of distress, allowing for efficient deployment of resources and a well-coordinated response. By implementing Staff Safety product, hospitals instill a sense of trust and support among their employees, leading to increased job satisfaction and a reduced turnover rate.

Creating Safe Zones and Geofencing: Hospital RTLS systems also allow hospitals to define geofences with virtual boundaries within their premises by establishing safe zones and designate areas that are restricted to authorized personnel only. When a staff member enters or exits these predetermined areas, the hospital RTLS system triggers immediate alerts. This next generation Staff Duress systems ensure that any breach or potential threat is detected in real time and prevents unauthorized access, also enhances staff security and protection by ensuring that healthcare workers can navigate their workspace without fear. Going beyond mere prevention of unauthorized access, this proactive approach ensures a rapid and effective response to the threat.

Staff-Personnel Safety product with existing security system

Integrating with Existing Systems: Staff Safety/Security product with accurate location technology, coupled with a hospital’s existing security infrastructure, such as CCTV cameras and access control systems, provide real-time map views, video management system, immediate alert notifications, and continuous location updates during a duress event. This holistic approach enhances the overall security posture of the facility. This not only expedites response times but ensures that help reaches the right place at the right moment, potentially preventing further escalation.

Meeting Joint Commission Standarts: As The Joint Commission highlights, exposure to workplace violence can have serious consequences, negatively impact patient care and create psychological distress for healthcare staff. The ripple effects are profound, leading to job dissatisfaction, absenteeism, high turnover rates, and higher costs. To meet The Joint Commission’s strict rules for tracking and reporting violent incidents and to support the safety of our valuable staff, RTLS-based Staff Safety product is a powerfull ally. This technology helps healthcare institutions not only meet but exceed the highest standards, creating an environment where our healthcare heroes can excel, knowing their well-being is a top priority.

A Safer Tomorrow with RTLS Technology

In the demanding realm of healthcare, staff safety is non-negotiable. Redefining staff duress management in healthcare with RTLS is more than a technological advancement; it’s a testament to the industry’s commitment to the well-being of its employees. With hospital RTLS, the healthcare sector takes a significant step forward in creating an environment where both patients and healthcare workers can thrive.

Get in touch with us to learn more about ”IoT for Healthcare” products and transform your hospital into “operationally aware” facility.

October 16, 2023

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